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篇名 應用於高溫射出製程與低溫冷凍製程檢測之超音波感測器
卷期 223
並列篇名 The Application of Ultrasonic Transducer on the Process Diagnosis of Injection Molding at High Temperature and Freezing at Low Temperature
作者 陳清祺鄭鴻斌楊哲化曾彥翔吳易霖
頁次 041-052
出刊日期 202006




Smart sensors are the basis of smart city, factory, manufacture, transportation, agriculture and life. The sensor is able to detect the information of environment, and transmits to the cloud through internet for smart control. The traditional sensors are limited by their sizes and single-phase detection. However, through the development of semiconductor and electrical circuit technologies, the capacity of sensor is significantly uplifted. In this paper, the general utilized sensors and their properties are introduced. The applications on the process diagnosis of high-temperature injection molding and low-temperature freezing processes by ultrasonic technology for improvement of process operation and guarantee of products are also presented.

