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篇名 社會變遷中的音樂教育訓練:軍事院校的軍歌比賽在教育實踐中的變革
卷期 32
並列篇名 Music Training within Social Changes: The Evolution of Military Song Competition in the Educational Practice within Military Academies
作者 黃千珮
頁次 057-099
關鍵字 軍中音樂教育教育實踐社會變遷軍歌展演資料研究military music educationeducational practicesocial changesmilitary song performancesdata research
出刊日期 202005
DOI 10.6244/JOMR.202005_(32).03




With reforms in national military policies and social changes, the cultural activities in the military also undergo paradigmatic reform. Currently, artistic exhibitions and music performances no longer serve to reinforce patriotism; instead they function to strengthen the military-civilian relationships. The feedback of the civilian audience is, then, taken into consideration when new policies are formulated. It is apparent that the cultural policies in the military have been renovated in its nature, content and in the understanding of primary/secondary audience. This study uses secondary data analysis to trace the changes in military cultural policy and its impact on artistic representations. By investigating three military song performances, the author observes the policy changes and the art education reform in military academies. It is expected that the results can serve as a cross-reference in environmental analysis for reconsidering the efficacy of cultural policies. At the same time, new concepts of national defense can be conveyed to the participants of these activities and be practiced by the organizers, the audience and the society at large, which hopefully can further link national defense policy and the pulse of the society.
