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篇名 戒護風險等級與復歸處遇機制之比較性分析——以英國英格蘭、威爾斯地區及臺灣矯正機關為例
卷期 9:2
並列篇名 Comparative Risk Assessment, Category Management and Rehabilitation Schemes of Different Status Prisoners between England and Wales of UK and Taiwan
作者 周冠宇
頁次 129-152
關鍵字 戒護風險復歸處遇個案管理security risk assessmentrehabilitationcase management
出刊日期 202007
DOI 10.6905/JC.202007_9(2).0006


戒護風險等級與復歸處遇可視為矯正機關的左右手,是保護矯正人員及受刑人的人身安全和穩定囚情所必要的分類管理機制,並讓受刑人的在監處遇活動能發揮至極致。而隨著受刑人的戒護風險的變化,彈性調整智能監控的強度和方式,將達到適切的維安效果。此外,透過個案管理以及不同的處遇輔導或訓練課程,例如特殊犯罪的治療、職能訓練檢定、家庭支持力的鏈結強化等, 將有助於改善受刑人及其重要他人間的家庭、工作及社會關係。然而,以臺灣矯正機關運作現況而言,對於受刑人的戒護風險管控以及復歸處遇的課程安排, 未有一致性及完整性的實施作法。本文除分別比較英國與臺灣在戒護風險等級的分類方式以及各類處遇課程的差異外,並適度汲取英國矯正機關戒護等級分類機制,以及警政、藥政、勞政與社政等跨部會的合作模式經驗,希望藉此提供受刑人戒護管理與處遇之參考,進而提升行刑處遇機制的實質效益。


Risk Assessment, Category Management and Rehabilitation Programs of Different Status Prisoners are the two primary factors that maintain prison estate safety and inmates’ learning journey useful for re-entrying society. The intelligent surveillance and monitoring scheme will be modified with the changing-risk of inmates that could ensure prison officers and other inmates’ working and living condition safely. In addition, with suitable case management and a variety of rehabilitation programs, including treatment for specific crimes, vocation training and examination and family therapy etc., will improve social bonds of inmates’ and their significant others. However, in Taiwan correctional institutions, the security management and rehabilitation curriculums for different types of prisoners do not consistently and thoroughly. The purpose of this essay is to compare the difference of these services between UK and Taiwan correctional institutions and identify the better localized sentence planning across a prison sentence. Given that the UK criminal justice system has supported the delivery of a modern prison service by establishing multi-agency public protection arrangement in England and Wales, which can offer new insights into improving the effectiveness and efficiency of prisoners’ treatment and management for Taiwan prison service.
