
臺大佛學研究 THCI

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篇名 爐鞴與兵法——晦山戒顯《禪門鍛鍊說》的兩種概念譬喻探析
卷期 39
並列篇名 Furnace and the Art of War: Study of Two Conceptual Metaphors of Hui Shan “the Book of Zen Exercise”
作者 周玟觀
頁次 093-144
關鍵字 晦山戒顯禪門鍛鍊孫子兵法概念譬喻譬喻行動Hui Shan Jie XianZen exerciseThe Art of Warconceptual metaphormetaphorical actionTHCI
出刊日期 202006
DOI 10.6727/TJBS.202006_(39).0003




This paper uses the metaphors perspective to discuss the metaphorical characteristics of the “the Book of Zen Exercise” in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In the “Buddhist Studies of the Late Ming Dynasty,” Master Sheng Yen pointed out that at the end of the Ming Dynasty, Zen monks not only emphasized the exercise methods, but also devoted to write books. The writings received from the “Zen Practice and Validation” are also written in this category. It is shown that an important academic issue in the late Ming Dynasty is the thinking and reconstruction of Zen practicing methods. The older scholars also paid more attention to this phenomenon and discussed many aspects of the writings of Zen masters in the late Ming Dynasty. This paper tries to revisit the metaphors of Hui Shan's theory of Zen exercise and its thinking characteristics. The Zen Masters’ metaphors are not merely rhetorical words, but rather that it highlights the specific aspect of Zen exercise through the formation of a cognitive framework of metaphors. The goal is to digest the old saying on the one hand, and highlight new ideas. On the other hand, through the use and competition of metaphorical strategies, it highlights the merits and demerits of other schools, and implements them as concrete metaphorical actions.
