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篇名 2005-2015年臺灣主題式路跑場次與盛行度之探討
卷期 22
並列篇名 Discussion and Popularity of Thematic Running in Taiwan from 2005 to 2015
作者 劉瑩芳陳奐杰劉乙嫺高幸利
頁次 051-062
關鍵字 主題式路跑場次Thematic RunningGames of Running
出刊日期 202003


近幾年國人休閒活動觀念及健康意識高漲,逐漸重視生活的養生之道,路跑運動越來越受歡迎,臺灣民眾近年瘋主題式路跑,自引進The Color Run掀起路跑熱潮後,參與路跑成了時下最潮的活動之一;各家行銷公司絞盡腦汁,舉辦螢光路跑、泡泡路跑、女性路跑等相關創意主題賽事。透過蒐集並分析臺灣2005-2015年主題式路跑的發展程度與賽事辦理,統計出近十年之辦理總場次,並了解臺灣不同分區辦理之主題式路跑場次分布現況。本研究透過中華民國路跑協會、中華民國馬拉松協會、跑者廣場、全國賽會及Citytalk城市通做為參考統計資料,根據跑者廣場在2005年-2015年公告之全國賽會列表,及Citytalk城市通——活動情報中的路跑賽事資訊,統計出2005年至2015年10年來之路跑總場次為2,213場、主題式路跑賽事則為139場。本研究結果顯示出2005年-2015年北部舉辦主題式路跑賽事扣除外島此因素北部為首,高達71場之多,最少則為東部19場;並且根據統計結果發現,北部地區以變裝主題類及娛樂性質較高的路跑賽事為主,東部及外島地區則偏好風景生態類。


In recent years, people’s concept of leisure activities and health awareness, and gradually attach importance to the life of health, running more and more popular, people in Taiwan crazy on thematic running in recent years, since the introduction of The Color Run set off racing craze. Thematic running has become one of the most tides of activities; marketing companies racked their brains, organized by the fluorescent road running, bubble road running, running women and other related creative theme race. Through the collection and analysis of 2005-2015 in Taiwan the development of thematic running and event management, statistics for 10 years for the total screening, and to understand the different districts of Taiwan for thematic running race distribution of the status quo. Based on the statistics of the National Racing Association of the Republic of China, the Marathon Association of the Republic of China, the Runners 'Square, the National Games and the Citytalk City Link, the study was carried out in accordance with the list of National Games announced by the Runners’ Square in 2005-2015 and Citytalk - Activity information in the road race event information, there were 2,213 games totally from 2005 to 2015, thematic running were 139. The results show that thematic running games of North Taiwan were as much as 71 games from 2005 to 2015, at least the eastern part of 19 games; and according to the statistics found that the northern region to the theme And the entertainment nature of the high road running events, the eastern and outer islands are preferred landscape ecological class.
