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篇名 自遊自在,該怎麼伴——旅遊交友平臺行銷企劃之研究
卷期 22
並列篇名 “Accompany Travel” - Travel Partner Platform Marketing Planning Research
作者 彭建文樊祖燁饒玉仲陳致中陳柏勛
頁次 063-080
關鍵字 觀光旅遊旅遊資訊網路交友行程規劃共享經濟SightseeingTravel InformationOnline DatingTrip PlanningSharing Economy
出刊日期 202003




Most of people willing to relax through tourism since the quality of life has improved recently years. However, there is no platform provides dating and travel planning service in the market. Based on the concept, the study design the “Accompany Travel”-travel partner platform. The platform provides travelers to search for the desired travel location and provide the local travel information. The platform's travel partner matching system can help members find like-minded companions to travel together, and solve the problem of traveling alone without a companion. This platform also signed contracts with tourist attractions shops to help promoting local business development, thereby increasing the production value of Taiwan's tourism industry.
