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篇名 「代GO」像在臺灣買東西——海外代購平臺行銷企劃之研究
卷期 22
並列篇名 Seem Buying Things in Taiwan - Research of Overseas Surrogate Shopping Platform Marketing Strategy
作者 樊祖燁黃素真林意婕
頁次 081-096
關鍵字 代購購買行為商品保險網路購物宅配Surrogate PurchasingPurchasing BehaviorMerchandise InsuranceOnline ShoppingHome Delivery
出刊日期 202003




With the rapid development of the internet, consumers and businesses have used online shopping to conduct various business actions. However, some foreign shops don’t offer overseas delivery service because the troublesome due to distance factors and import procedures. Taiwanese can only buy the overseas goods by surrogate shopping. The overseas surrogate shopping is inconvenient in some situation. The study base on the above phenomenon, design an “Overseas Surrogate Shopping” platform, hoping to combine the needs of surrogate shoppers and consumers by a convenient interface and timely information to solve the supply and demand problem and create a win-win result.
