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篇名 特殊教育教師對身心障礙學生參與權實踐之研究
卷期 18:3/4
並列篇名 Special Education Teachers’ Perspectives on the Participation of Students with Disabilities in School
作者 陳心怡唐宜楨
頁次 159-174
關鍵字 兒童權利身心障礙學生參與權特殊教育教師合理調整Children’s rightsstudents with disabilitiesparticipation rightsspecial education teacherreasonable adjustment
出刊日期 202012




Purpose: To explore the views of special education teachers on the implementation of the participation rights of students with disabilities and to understand the barriers encountered by students with disabilities in their educational process. Further, the aim is to explore how special education teachers can play an active role to meet these needs using reasonable adjustments and to enable students with disabilities to express their viewpoints while studying. Method: Thirteen special education teachers were interviewed using purposed sampling and snowball sampling, and the interview transcripts were analyzed according to the thematic analysis method. Results: In consideration of disability restrictions, most interviewees had reservations about the statement that students with disabilities are able to participate effectively in schools. However, special education teachers are aware of participation barriers students with disabilities encounter while studying and they can play an active role to provide reasonable adjustments (such as eliminating disadvantages, creating an integrated learning environment, and providing relevant assisted services, etc.). Conclusion: The implementation of the participation rights of students with disabilities was affected by teachers’ rights competence, disability equality awareness, and a friendly campus atmosphere. Research findings suggest that special education teachers can provide opportunities for students with disabilities to foster their capabilities to express their viewpoints and decision-making experiences based on students’ impairment and needs. Doing so will help to diminish disability barriers caused by discriminatory attitudes and cultivate autonomy and independence in students with disabilities.
