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篇名 樂趣化跳繩運動方案對國小智能障礙學生平衡能力與健康體適能之成效:單一受試研究
卷期 18:3/4
並列篇名 The Effects of Interesting Rope-skipping Activity on Balance and the Health-related Fitness of Elementary School Students with Intellectual Disabilities: A Single Case Study
作者 簡廷倚佘永吉
頁次 206-224
關鍵字 跳繩運動國小智能障礙健康體適能平衡能力Rope-skipping activityelementary school studentsintellectual disabilitieshealth-related fitnessbalance
出刊日期 202012




The purpose is to investigate the effects of interesting rope skipping activity on balance and health-related fitness of the elementary school students with intellectual disabilities. A multiple baseline across-subjects’ designs were designed into baseline, intervention, and maintenance. Three students with intellectual disabilities were incluciated. They received 24 intervention sessions of 40-min duration, including single skipping activities, divided into five units. Data was collected after each session and analized with C statistics. The results were summarized as the following: First, interesting rope-skipping activity is effective for the balance ability of the students with intellectual disabilities. There were immediate and maintenance effect on the static balance ability of the students with intellectual disabilities. The dynamic balance ability has been improved of the students with intellectual disabilities and has a maintenance effect. Second, interesting rope skipping activity is effective in improving the physical fitness of students with intellectual disabilities. The body composition of the students with intellectual disabilities was improved. There were immediate and maintenance effect on the cardiorespiratory endurance of the students with intellectual disabilities. There were immediate and maintenance effects on the muscle strength and endurance of the students with intellectual disabilities. There were immediate and maintenance effect on the flexibility of the students with intellectual disabilities.
