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篇名 結合QR Code與智慧型手機於慢性病教學歷程:創新教學實務研究
卷期 23
並列篇名 Innovative Teaching Study of Implementing QR Code Integrating Chronic Illnesses App Design and Instruction of Nursing Students
作者 趙明玲陳威廷林淑貞
頁次 001-008
關鍵字 慢性病QR Code教學活動創新教學Chronic IllnessesTeaching StudyInnovative Teaching Study
出刊日期 202103


目的:本研究目的在探討「結合QR Code與智慧型手機於慢性病教學歷程」,並探討學生之學習成效與學習興趣。
研究設計:使用創新教法之實務教學模式,使用於護理科社區護理學慢性病課程中,以智慧型手機結合QR Code進行慢性病測驗,再透過行動App解譯,讓學生可以隨時隨地增加慢性病知識及做相關的試題。
方法:以智慧型手機結合QR Code設計一套學習系統,於慢性病測驗中使用。
結果:發出200份問卷,回收169份有效問卷,回收率為84.5%,結果如下:第一題為您對主題設定與授課內容的一致性滿意度為何,平均分數為4.69±.65分,第二題為此次活動對您本身有所助益的滿意度程度為何,平均分數為4.68±.68分,第三題為您對本次考題的滿意度為何,平均分數為4.68±.66分,第四題為您認為QR Code有助於自我學習,平均分數為4.61±.80分,第五題為您滿意QR Code對你的學習,平均分數為4.62±.77分。結果顯示利用此學習方式當作教學輔助工具,學生指出學習過程充滿新奇,展現積極學習,成效優良,也提升對該科目之學習興趣。


Background: The prevalence rate of chronic illnesses is increasing. The suffering age is decreasing. Caring patients with chronic illnesses is inevasible experience in clinical nursing practice. However, the students in one class now are numerous, just one teacher. Thus, the teaching style is traditional style. Students are not deep learning. Information Technology is an important teaching tool in nowadays.
Purpose: The study aims to explore “Innovative teaching study of implementing QR Code integrating chronic illnesses App design and instruction of nursing students”, and the learning effectiveness.
Study design: Using Innovative teaching style in chronic illnesses of community lessons. Utilizing cellphone with QR Code in chronic illnesses tests, then using App in explanation. This method could do the tests anytime and anywhere.
Method: Utilizing cellphone with QR Code in chronic illnesses tests, then using App in explanation. This method could do the tests anytime and anywhere.
Results: 200 questionnaires were done. 169 questionnaires were effective. Valid questionnaires were 84.5%. Question 1: What is your satisfaction degree between the topic and contents? The mean score was 4.69 ± .65. Question 2: What is your satisfaction degree in this activity? The mean score was 4.68 ± .68. Question 3: What is your satisfaction degree in this chronic illnesses tests? The mean score was 4.68 ± .66. Question 4: Do you consider QR Code could increase self-learning? The mean score was 4.61 ± .80. Question 5: Do you satisfy QR Code in your learning process? The mean score was 4.62 ± .77. Results showed that QR Code in chronic illnesses tests learning style could be used in teaching. Students were very satisfied with this kind of learning style.
Conclusion: Findings may provide a valuable reference for nursing teaching style to create an innovative teaching style. Teachers could do the innovative critical thinking and develop an innovative teaching style.
