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篇名 中文化成人聽覺障礙者功能性溝通評量工具之發展
卷期 19:1/2
並列篇名 Development of Functional Communication Assessment Instrument of the Chinese Version for Adults with Hearing Impairment
作者 吉婷陳勇安佘永吉
頁次 080-097
關鍵字 成人聽覺障礙功能性溝通評量社交溝通Adults with hearing impairmentfunctional communication assessmentsocial communication
出刊日期 202106




Introduction: The purpose of this study was to develop a functional communication assessment instrument of the Chinese version for people with hearing impairment, and to explore the functional communication needs and performance of adults with hearing impairment from a functional perspective. Method: The study was applied the "Functional Communication Scale for Adult Hearing Impairment". The cases collect by convenience sampling and snowball sampling. Participants were 16 adults with hearing impairment, and 16 general adults were included for comparison. The data analysis by descriptive statistics, pears on product-moment correlation, and independent sample t-test. Results: The average scores of the communication independence in the areas of "Social Communication", "Communication of Basic Needs", and "total score", and the "Promptness" of qualitative score in the areas of "Social Communication" and "total score", control group also performed better than group with hearing impairment; the inter-rater reliability ranged from moderate to almost perfect agreement for "Functional Communication Scale for Adult Hearing Impairment". The communication independence performance of “Social Communication" and "total score" is significantly correlated. Conclusion: The functional communication assessment instrument of the Chinese version is applicable to people with hearing impairment.
