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篇名 疫情之下的教學銜接:數位工具應用之新挑戰
卷期 34
並列篇名 Educational Continuity in Times of Epidemic: A New Challenge with Digital Tools
作者 黃彬茹
頁次 001-030
關鍵字 數位工具新冠肺炎疫情影響與教育的銜接數位學習digital toolsimpact of the epidemic and educational continuitydigital learning
出刊日期 202112
DOI 10.30404/FLS.202112_(34).0001


對於全世界來說,2020年曾是而現仍是非常重要的一年。新冠肺炎蔓延全球是史無前例的事件,深深地影響著每個人的生活。教育界也不能倖免。新的教學方式已經因應而生,未來將會出現更多新的型態(Wagnon, 2020年)。確實,教學現場為了面對新的挑戰而做出調整。在疫情陰影籠罩下,不管是在封城或半封城的情況,教學的工作從未停擺。但是,不是所有人都習慣非面對面式的授課模式,也不熟稔數位工具的操作,雖然新科技有助於在短時間內開設虛擬課堂。然而線上工具的運用常造成問題。師生有時都得隨機應變,大家只能盡力而為。本研究的發想並不單單來自於疫情衝擊的啟發,更是筆者十多年來關注數位工具教學實踐的延伸,使我們能立即地展開探討,研究更加強化。這場疫情危機,無疑將再次發生。全球遠距視訊會議與直播教學雖然被疫情推上了舞臺中心,但是,在實際的教學現場,當下到底面臨了哪些問題?教師與學生又該如何應對這場無疑將再次發生的疫情危機,以適應前所未有的情況?因此,為了能夠在短時間內面對這一場挑戰,筆者對於線上學習平台及強化數位能力之工具進行也挑戰了一些嘗試。研究針對實際的教學場域及不同的課程屬性提供更多數位工具導入課堂教學之應用、反思與討論。


The year 2020 was and still is a particularly significant time for the whole world. The intrusion of Covid-19, an unprecedented event, has strongly influenced everyone's life. The world of education is no exception. New educational forms have appeared and will continue to emerge (Wagnon, 2020). Educational practices have been organized to meet the challenges posed by this new situation. In times of confinement or semi-confinement, pedagogical continuity is still assured. However, not all of us are familiar with non-face-to-face teaching. We also are unfamiliar with the handling of digital tools to support a virtual classroom needed in a very short time. The practice of computing resources is often a problem. In addition, the enthusiasm is not there. We have had to improvise. Everyone does what they can. Our study is not inspired solely by this catastrophic event. But, after ten years devoted to teaching with digital tools, our research is strengthening. Certainly, virtual classrooms occupy an important place these days. But, in reality, what challenges are there for education? How should we deal with this health crisis which will undoubtedly return, no one knows when, and which suddenly gives rise to a new challenge for all of us to adapt to an unprecedented situation? So we made some experiments and some attempts with digital tools in order to meet this challenge in such a short time.
