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篇名 論馬里伏劇作中的天真人物:以阿樂甘為例
卷期 34
並列篇名 On the Naive Characters in Marivaux's Plays: Taking Arlequin as an Example
作者 朱鴻洲
頁次 061-099
關鍵字 馬里伏天真人物天真性阿樂甘雙重背叛Marivauxnaive charactersnaivetyArlequinLa Double Inconstance
出刊日期 202112
DOI 10.30404/FLS.202112_(34).0003




In literature, some fictional characters are characterized by naivety. Creating this type of character may come from different motives, such as for educational, satirical or comic purposes. As far as naivety is concerned, it does not only represent the quality of human nature, but can also represent the defects of human nature. In drama, especially in comedy, traditionally it tends to emphasize the negative side of naive characters, such as credulity or ignorance. As an important comic writer, does Marivaux present any innovation in the creation of naive characters? If so, what is its originality? This study aims to respond to the above questions through the study of the innocent character, Arlequin. In addition to understanding Marivaux's innovation in the transformation of this character, which originated from Italian comedy, this paper also explores the relationship between this character and his moral philosophy. Among all Marivaux's plays, Arlequin appeared in 13 plays. We will select some of them for analysis. This paper firstly makes a historical study of the naive characters. Then, in order to demonstrate Marivaux's originality in transforming this character, we will explore the multiple duality of Arlequin's naivety. These dualities include: from flexibility to inflexibility; from simplicity to subtlety and agility; from transparency to obscurity. Finally, the paper will point out the mirror function produced by Arlequin in the play and its various uses, including comparative, educational and revealing. To sum up, through the study of the recreation of Arlequin, we hope to show how Marivaux combines two seemingly incompatible elements: naivety and clarity with this character, and thus presents his mixture, duality and versatility.
