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篇名 評析《推進中華人民共和國基督教中國化五年工作綱要規劃(二○一八至二○二二)》
卷期 2021-2
並列篇名 Comment on China’s Outline of the Five-Year Plan for Promoting the Sinification of Christianity (2018-2022)
作者 蘇瑞華
頁次 091-128
關鍵字 社會主義核心價值基督教中國化非基督教運動推進我國基督教中國化五年工作綱要計畫Core values of socialismSinicization of ChristianityAnti-Christian movementChina’s Outline of the Five-Year Plan for Promoting the Sinification of Christianity
出刊日期 202112




“The Sinicization of Christianity” has been around for a long time, from the Jesuits at the end of the Ming Dynasty to the present day. The difference is that the Christianization of China after liberation was a distinct political project. Today, patriotic Christian groups are actively implementing the “Five-Year Work Outline Plan” in response to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Under the Chinese Communist Party’s exaltation of Chinese culture, Chinese excellent traditional culture will override all religions and become a common religious consciousness. Therefore, the inherent sacredness, uniqueness, and creativity of each religion may be diluted. This is a distinct cultural revolution. After a long time has passed, the internal and external appearance of Chinese Christianity will be markedly changed. This article will outline the history of the sinicization of Christianity and analyze the current situation in which China is currently promoting the “Five-Year Work Outline Plan.”
