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篇名 或能以質子密度脂肪抑制核磁共振影像早期發現與地諾單抗相關連非典型股骨骨折之前驅骨髓水腫:一則案例報告
卷期 20:4
並列篇名 Possible early detection of prodromal bone marrow edema in atypical femoral fracture associated with denosumab by fat-suppressed proton density mri - a case report
作者 余侑達劉哲瑋林希鼎
頁次 033-039
關鍵字 非典型股骨骨折地諾單抗磁共振成像前驅期atypical femoral fracturedenosumabmagnetic resonance imagingprodromal phase
出刊日期 202212
DOI 10.53106/181020932022122004004




Background and Purpose: Atypical femoral fracture (AFF) is a severe adverse event associated with long-term use of antiresorptive agent for pharmacological treatment of osteoporosis. Many previously published articles had reported prodromal hip pain associated with long-term use of bisphosphonates before occurrence of AFF; additionally, bone marrow edema might also be demonstrated using MRI during the prodromal phase. However, denosumab, a biological antiresorptive agent, is not yet as well characterized regarding its association with prodromal phase of AFF. Methods: This report retrospectively reviewed a case of 68-year-old housewife experiencing AFF after long-term use of denosumab; bisphosphonates were never prescribed and were never used. Results: This is a case to demonstrate that bone marrow edema can occur during the prodromal phase of AFF with long-term use of denosumab; clinical course from the start of its usage until occurrence of AFF and its sequela were captured. Conclusion: In this case report, crucial importance of early detection along with timely adjustment of medication is emphasized. Although the patient reported had experienced AFF due to lack of prevention, the purpose of this case report is to raise the awareness that AFF can be prevented with timely adjustment of medications.
