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篇名 原住民族不老部落永續觀光發展之初探
卷期 30:1
並列篇名 An Initial Exploration of Sustainable Tourism Development in the Indigenous Bulau Tribe
作者 陳彥呈柯澍馨蔣名宸黃旅
頁次 045-066
關鍵字 不老部落永續觀光原住民族Bulao TribeSustainable TourismIndigenous Peoples
出刊日期 202406




With the advent of the Aboriginal Cultural Revitalization Movement, heightened attention is being directed towards the development and sustainable management of Aboriginal tribes. Economic advancement is predominantly facilitated through the rejuvenation of cultural practices and the promotion of tourism. Within the realm of tribal tourism, a comprehensive understanding of the tribe's business policies is imperative, given their direct impact on the industry's sustainable development and cultural preservation. This study adopts semi-structured interviews as the principal research method, employing purposive sampling to engage with six participants from the Bulao tribe. Through this approach, an exhaustive analysis is conducted to elucidate the tribe's sustainable tourism development strategies and current standing. The research data undergoes rigorous scrutiny using the triangular cross-check method to ensure the integrity and validity of the findings. Drawing upon the insights garnered from these interviews, this study provides a comprehensive portrayal of the Bulao tribe's sustainable tourism development landscape, encompassing its historical trajectory, cultural legacy, and the underlying framework for sustainable tourism. Furthermore, it proffers pertinent recommendations tailored to the sustainable tourism development needs of the Bulao tribe, with the aim of fostering their enduring prosperity and serving as a benchmark for stakeholders involved in similar endeavors.
