

本期卷期 10:3
出刊日期 200809
並列刊名 Journal of Taiwan Emergency Medicine
刊期 季刊
ISSN 1562-3386
出版單位 臺灣急診醫學會
出刊地 台灣
出刊語言 中文繁體;英文
發行狀態 繼續發行/新卷期暫停授權



  • 本期卷期:10:3
  • 出刊日期:200809
序號 篇名 作者 關鍵詞 下載 收藏
1 Priapism as An Initial Manifestation of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: A Case Report 蔡政翰、詹毓哲、胡松原、林子傑、胡為雄、王立敏 Chronic myeloid leukemiaCMLLeukocytosisLeukostasisPriapism慢性骨髓性白血病白血球增生白血球留滯陰莖異常勃起症TSCI 暫不開放 
2 Priapism as An Initial Manifestation of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: A Case Report 蔡政翰、詹毓哲、胡松原、林子傑、胡為雄、王立敏 Chronic myeloid leukemiaCMLLeukocytosisLeukostasisPriapism慢性骨髓性白血病白血球增生白血球留滯陰莖異常勃起症TSCI
3 Oval Shadow on Abdominal Radiograph in a Patient with Sudden Abdominal Pain Chuang, Chung-hsun、Yang, Chung-hsiang、Lin, Hung-jung TSCI
4 Oval Shadow on Abdominal Radiograph in a Patient with Sudden Abdominal Pain Chuang, Chung-hsun、Yang, Chung-hsiang、Lin, Hung-jung TSCI 暫不開放 
5 Computed Tomography and Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage Findings in Diagnosis of Blunt Small Bowel Perforation 鄭垂軒、陳維恭、王毓駿、黃獻宏、蔡家碩、梁偉成 Small bowelPerforationBlunt injuryTraumaComputed tomographyDiagnostic peritoneal lavage小腸穿孔鈍傷創傷電腦斷層掃描診斷性腹膜灌洗術TSCI 暫不開放 
6 Computed Tomography and Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage Findings in Diagnosis of Blunt Small Bowel Perforation 鄭垂軒、陳維恭、王毓駿、黃獻宏、蔡家碩、梁偉成 Small bowelPerforationBlunt injuryTraumaComputed tomographyDiagnostic peritoneal lavage小腸穿孔鈍傷創傷電腦斷層掃描診斷性腹膜灌洗術TSCI
7 Epidemiology and Medical Costs of Patients with Hip Fracture at a Medical Center in Central Taiwan 黃昭偉、葉兆斌、周明智、張慧瑾 Hip fractureExtracapsular typeIntracapsular typeHospitalization stayHospital costs髖骨骨折囊外骨折囊內骨折住院天數醫療支出TSCI 暫不開放 
8 Epidemiology and Medical Costs of Patients with Hip Fracture at a Medical Center in Central Taiwan 黃昭偉、葉兆斌、周明智、張慧瑾 Hip fractureExtracapsular typeIntracapsular typeHospitalization stayHospital costs髖骨骨折囊外骨折囊內骨折住院天數醫療支出TSCI
9 Pheochromocytoma Presenting as A Cutaneous Manifestation: A Case Report 鄭聖文、陳永福、吳肇鑫、朱振國、王立敏 PheochromocytomaCutaneous manifestation嗜鉻細胞瘤皮膚表徵TSCI 暫不開放 
10 Pheochromocytoma Presenting as A Cutaneous Manifestation: A Case Report 鄭聖文、陳永福、吳肇鑫、朱振國、王立敏 PheochromocytomaCutaneous manifestation嗜鉻細胞瘤皮膚表徵TSCI

