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篇名 組織政治行為對校長領導之啟示
卷期 49
並列篇名 Th e Concept of Political Behavior in Organizations and Its Implication for Principal Leadership
作者 黃哲彬
頁次 002-015
關鍵字 school organizationpolitical behavior in organizationsprincipal leadership學校組織組織政治行為校長領導
出刊日期 200705




Th e society of my country, after the lifting of martial law in 1986, has
gone through a fast change. A series of innovations has also started in the
aspects of education, such as the constitution of the Teachers’ association,
the built of Teacher appraisement committee, and the enhancement on
the function of Parents Association, and etc. Th e school, at the same
moment, needs to carry on reshuffl ing and adjusting. It also needs to
absorb external resources to be able to survive, especially when the
school has turned to an open system from the domesticated organization
in the past. In the process of fi ghting for resources, the fi rst thing to do
is to coagulate the consensus of the members in the school. However,
with the surge of the Teachers’ professional autonomy and the Parents’
power to get involved school aff airs, it’s getting more complicated to
agglomerate members’ consensus. For outside of the school, the resource
the school can acquire became fewer compared to the past because of
the exhaustion of education resources recently. As a result, the principal
in a school needs to fi ght for the biggest benefi t for the school by various
power, consociation, battles, communication, mediation, competition and
cooperation, and etc. And these behaviors are so-called political behavior
in organizations.
In this text, I fi rst investigate the meaning of the political behavior in
organizations and its positive and negative functions, and then demonstrate
three standards of the political behavior in organizations. At the end, I
propose its implication for principal leadership as a conclusion
