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篇名 疆域化、縫隙介面與跨國空間:台北市安康市場「越南街」族裔化地方研究
卷期 73
並列篇名 Territorialization, Interstitial Interface and Transnational Space: The Taipei Vietnam Street as an Ethnic Place
作者 王志弘沈孟穎
頁次 119-166
關鍵字 越南移民消費族裔地方跨國空間縫隙介面劃界疆域化territorializationinterstitial interfaceboundary makingtransnational spaceethnic placeconsumptionVietnamese immigrantsTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200903




This paper discusses the formation and dispersion of Vietnamese ethnic place in a traditional market at suburban Taipei. The ethnic place was formed through the spatial dynamics of “territorialization” which includes cross-bordering and border-making of different scales. Firstly there were the transnational flows of Vietnamese contract workers, marriage immigrants, and oversea Chinese that transplanted on the Taiwanese society. At the regional level, the interstice resulted from the decline of traditional retailing market, unfavorable location, rent gap, and the stigma of low-income housing was confronted by the change of population composition and life style induced by middle-class housing development, leading towards exclusion and remaking of borders that ended the interstice, and it is a middle class “territorialization” driven by the appeal of safety and “de-stigmatization”. However, in the inner space of An-Kang market, there was an ethnic consumptive space acted as “interface” between Chinese-Vietnamese businesses and their customers connected through commodities and services full of ethnic meaning and symbols. In view of the transnational family network and hybrid identity of Oversea Chinese-Vietnamese, and the trans-border flows of Vietnamese immigrants and commodities, we can specify the market as an “transnational space”. And, since the consumer demands and social network that support the transnational space persist, there emerges an even more prosperous ethnic-consumptive landscape after the shutdown of An-Kang market.
