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篇名 桃米生態村發展歷程之質性研究:兼論價值創新策略的應用
卷期 4:3
並列篇名 A Study of Taomi Eco-Village Development Process: With The Strategies Application of Value Innovation
作者 鄭天明邱國盛陳零黃洛敏陳彥佐
頁次 061-085
關鍵字 桃米生態村發展歷程價值創新策略質性研究Taomi Eco-VillageDevelopment ProcessValue Innovation StrategyQualitative Research
出刊日期 201009




Previous studies on the ecological communities, most of all put the focus on tourist behavior, tourism resources and satisfaction. There’s so rarely for community development process and the application of value innovation strategies. In this paper,we study on Taomi Eco-Village, Puli Township, Nantou County as the field. We depth interviews with three respondents who can really representative of the Taomi eco-village, and using the hermeneutic phenomenological of qualitative research as
our text analysis method to understand its development process; And for the application of the value innovation strategies, we use the four action frameworks as an analysis tools to explore the current situation and impacts. Final results are divided into: rebirth period after the destruction, core values robust period, import value innovation period these three stages. About the value innovation strategies, our
research findings revealed: 1. To create eco-tourism as the main value; 2. Construction the community-owned symbiosis model; 3. Farmer become a commentator, to create the value of the local people; 4. Import the ecological image, to use paper dome as a topic shaping the reputation by successful word of mouth marketing; 5. Ecological creative product design and the brand building; 6. Ecology meets creativity, to establish Cultural - Ecological - Innovative value-added strategies. In the end we will propose practical value innovation strategy suggestions to provide ecological communities on the development of eco-tourism to reference.
