
建築學報 TSSCI

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篇名 建築材料之單一色彩對失智老人造成視覺幻覺之研究
卷期 81
並列篇名 A Research of the Visual Hallucinations of the Demented Elderly Caused by the Single Colors of Building Materials
作者 黃耀榮
頁次 025-050
關鍵字 建築材料單一色彩視覺模擬失智老人視覺幻覺Building MaterialSingle ColorVisual SimulationDemented ElderlyVisual HallucinationTSCITSSCI
出刊日期 201209


針對建築材料色彩界定、收集及比對,本研究遴選 6 位失智老人為實驗樣本,進行建築材料色彩之視覺模擬實驗及採用繪鐘測驗評量視覺幻覺現象,並以成對樣本t檢定與獨立樣本t檢定交叉分析色彩對失智老人造成視覺幻覺之影響。研究結果發現:(一)在色相中,R(紅)色相、G(綠)色相對失智老人造成視覺幻覺之影響均達到顯著性。(二)R(紅)色相之中低彩度中明度色彩,G(綠)色相之中低彩度高明度色彩對失智老人造成視覺幻覺之影響最大。(三)失智老人所看到之幻象大部分和自然景觀有關,而多數造成心理和認知產生不安之情形,僅有少數幻象和建築環境有關。


Demented patients have hallucinations, especially, visual hallucinations are highly prevalent.
Demented patients felt fear and threat when they had hallucinations. Correlated articles recognize that it is necessary to limit overstimulation in the environment, and local research results have proved that color of building material resulted demented elderly in visual hallucinations. The purpose of this research will process the visual simulations of building material colors to inspect the phenomena of visual hallucinations and to compare the differences of influence on demented elderly between colors. The findings will offer the reference of suitable colors for the Environmental Design in the Special Care Unit.
This research selected six demented elders as samples to process the visual simulation of building material colors after the definition, collection and checking of building material color. Clock drawing test was applied to assess the phenomena of visual hallucinations. Paired-samples t test and independent sample t test were applied to analyze the influence on the visual hallucinations of the demented elderly caused by colors. The findings of this research are as follows: the first, the influence of Red hue and Green hue on the visual hallucinations of the demented elderly is significant. The second, middle chroma and value of Red hue and middle chroma and high value of Green hue have most significant influence on the visual hallucinations of the demented elderly. The third, the demented elderly having visions of hallucinations correlated with natural scenes and most of the situations caused their psychology and cognition becoming unstable, only a few visions of hallucinations related to building environment.
