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篇名 身心障礙兒母親憤怒情緒諮商之治療因素探究
卷期 27:2
並列篇名 Therapeutic Factors in Anger Counseling Processes as Identified by the Mothers of Handicapped Children
作者 許瑛玿吳秀碧
頁次 001-050
關鍵字 治療因素身心障礙兒童憤怒情緒改變歷程therapeutic factorshandicapped childrenchange process of angerTSSCI
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.3966/102711202016122702001




This qualitative study explored the therapeutic factors that effectively cause changes in the anger feelings of clients. Six mothers of handicapped children were interviewed after they had received 4-10 counseling sessions. The transcripts of the intakes, counseling sessions, and interviews were analyzed. Five helpful therapeutic factors were identified by the participants: self-understanding, emotional awareness, “views-changing,” establishing a new goal, and trust in the therapeutic relationship. Self-understanding was the most important factor, and “views-changing” was the key factor. On the basis of these factors, the therapeutic change process of anger was induced.
