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篇名 設施小果番茄非疫生產點建立之基礎評估
卷期 73
並列篇名 Basic assessment of the establishment of a pest free production site for cherry tomatoes in a screen house
作者 黃秀雯
頁次 043-049
關鍵字 小果番茄東方果實蠅瓜實蠅非疫生產點設施Cherry tomatoBactrocera dorsalisZeugodacus cucurbitaePest free production sitesScreen house
出刊日期 201906


本計畫目的為建立以設施做為小果番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) 非疫生產點(pest free production sites) 之示範園區,證明設施可完全防堵瓜實蠅(Zeugodacus cucurbitae Coquillett) 與東方果實蠅(Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel) 的入侵。從2015 年10 月調查至2018年4 月,維持31 個月無捕獲瓜實蠅與東方果實蠅的記錄,2018 年5 ~ 7 月因田區整理暫停調查,2018 年8 月恢復調查至今2019 年6 月,維持11 個月無捕獲蟲體的記錄。另以小果番茄盆栽植株測試瓜實蠅之危害情形,結果顯示瓜實蠅可產卵於小果番茄,幼蟲孵化後可以小果番茄為食且發育至成蟲。現有技術: 國內具備良好設施小果番茄栽培管理技術。創新內容: 目前國際間尚無以「設施」做為非疫生產點之先例,此設施可作為非疫生產點之示範園區。對產業影響: 我國有能力生產符合檢疫規定的安全蔬果,以爭取輸出國同意輸入小果番茄鮮果。


The study was attempted to establish a demonstration farm in the screen house for pest free production of cherry tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), and to approve the completely prevention of melon fly (Zeugodacus cucurbitae) and fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) in the screen house. No Z. cucurbitae or B. dorsalis was collected in 31 months, from October 2015 to April 2018. The investigations suspended due to the construction of the screen house in May-July 2018. After that, no Z. cucurbitae or B. dorsalis was collected in 11 months, from August 2018 to June 2019. The study investigated the damage of potted cherry tomatoes by Z. cucurbitae, and results indicated that Z. cucurbitae laid eggs in cherry tomatoes, hatched larvae, and developed to adults. What is already known on this subject? Good management of planting cherry tomato in the screen house is available. What are the new findings? At present, there is no precedent in the world for the use of "a screen house" as a pest free production site. This screen house can be used as a demonstration farm for a pest free production site. What is the expected impact on this field? We have the ability to produce safe fruits and vegetables that meet the quarantine regulations, and to get the permission from import country to export our cherry tomatoes.
