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篇名 魚菜共生魚活動次數及水質物聯網監測系統之開發
卷期 73
並列篇名 Development of the IoT monitoring system for fish activity and water quality in aquaponics
作者 李健楊清富王志瑋
頁次 050-062
關鍵字 魚活動物聯網溶氧酸鹼值魚菜共生水產養殖Fish ActivityInternet of ThingDissolved OxygenpHAquaponicsAquaculture
出刊日期 201906


本研究提出一套應用於魚菜共生的物聯網監測系統,其能搭配市售標準感測探棒監測水體的水溫(T)、溶氧量(DO) 及酸鹼值(pH),並首次利用3 組紅外線測距器,透過水缸玻璃來偵測魚隻游過次數,來估算水槽整體魚群的活動次數變化,並且得到其與水質變化的明顯關係;此外不同高度的測距器配置亦具有水位高度異常預警的功能。整合感測器及Sub-1GHz 通訊的量測模組能每3 分鐘傳送即時量測數據至高達1 公里遠的閘道器,並透過Wi-Fi 上傳至ThingSpeakTM 雲端資料平臺,並可利用平臺工具做到定期資料迴歸分析及即時預警。現有技術:目前的養殖水質監測主要著重於定時點水質檢測,並無針對魚活動與水質連續變化的相關性進行整合研究,也缺乏應用物聯網及雲端分析技術。創新內容:首次利用紅外線測距器透過水缸玻璃來偵測魚隻游過次數,並且透過統計分析得到其與水質(溶氧及酸鹼值) 變化的明顯關係。對產業影響:此系統除與物聯網及雲端運算技術高度整合外,未來亦有機會以魚活動次數來推估水中溶氧及酸鹼值,或者用來交叉比對各種感測值是否有異常,提升整體量測可靠度。


An IoT monitoring system in aquaponics is used and proposed in this research. It can use the off-the-shelf probes to measure water temperature T, dissolved oxygen DO and pH. For the first time, three IR distance sensors are attached to the aquarium glass at different heights to evaluate the fish activities and provide the functionality of water level abnormal alarm. It was found that the fish activities are closely related to water quality. The measuring module integrating sensors and Sub- 1GHz communication can transmit data every three minutes to a gateway module up to 1km away, and finally the data are upload to ThingSpeakTM cloud platform, where real-time abnormal alarm and periodic regression analysis of data are realized by using the tools it provides. What is already known on this subject? The present methods of water quality monitoring in aquaculture or aquaponics mainly focus on discrete periodic measurement, and no research discusses both the monitoring of fish activities and their relationships with the continuous changing of water quality. They also lack the integration with IoT and cloud computing techniques. What are the new findings? For the first time, the IR distance sensors are attached to the aquarium glass to evaluate the fish school activities and it was found through regression analysis that the fish school activities are closely related to water quality (dissolved oxygen and pH). What is the expected impact on this field? Besides the highly integration with IoT and cloud computing techniques, this system has the potential to estimate the dissolved oxygen DO and pH from fish activities, or it can crosscheck and find possible faults among the different sensor readings to improve the reliability of measurements.
