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篇名 臺南地區重要農產品加工現況及銷售通路之研究
卷期 73
並列篇名 Studies on the processing and marketing channels for important agricultural products in Tainan District
作者 石郁琴
頁次 077-089
關鍵字 農產品加工食品安全銷售通路產業發展Processing of agricultural productsFood safetyMarketing channelsIndustrial development
出刊日期 201906


本研究目的在於了解臺南地區重要作物農產品加工及銷售通路現況,以作為未來產業發展及調整之參考。經研究調查結果顯示,臺南地區主要農產品加工品型態以乾燥(29%)、糖漬(29%)、粉製(13%) 等加工方式為主;其中胡麻、綠竹筍及芒果等重要作物農民常做成之加工品項分別為胡麻油(70.4%)、真空筍(42.9%) 及芒果乾(71.4%)。銷售通路胡麻油以親朋好友及熟客為主(73.1%),真空筍以山產店及傳統市場為主(52.9%),芒果乾則以農民在觀光景點零售自賣(40%) 為主。現有技術: 目前食品加工技術研發及安全衛生管理法規多以大型加工廠為制定對象,不適用於現行臺灣小農加工。創新內容: 了解小農加工現況可作為政府訂(修)定相關食品安全衛生法規或是媒合農民與加工廠合作之參考。對產業影響: 可鼓勵農民由一級生產朝向六級化產業發展,降低產銷失衡風險並可提升農產品附加價值,多元化拓展銷售通路,增加農民收益並提升產業競爭力。


This study is attempted to understand the agricultural processing and marketing of several important crops in Tainan district. The information will be used as reference for making the strategy of industry adjustment and development. According to the research results, the agricultural processing products in Tainan area are mostly preliminary processing products such as drying (29%), sugar staining (13%), grinding (13%). Sesame 70.4% was mainly used in oil extraction .After steaming, 42.9% of bamboo shoots were packed in vacuum and stored under refrigeration. Of the processed mango products ,71.4% were sliced first, then dried with sugar on it , and packed for storage at room temperatures. Concerning about marketing channels, sesame oil (73.1%) was sold at the traditional market, and/or super market. Vacuum-packed bamboo shoots (52.9%) were sold at traditional market and restaurant .While dried mango (40%) was mainly at the sightseeing spots for tourists. What is already known on this subject? The food processing technology and the laws of safety and health management at present are good for big processing manufactories, not good for farmers. What are the new findings? To understand the processing levels by farmers can be used as a reference for government to adjust the food safety and healthy laws, it also can help the farmers to cooperate with manufactories more easily. What is the expected impact on this field? It can encourage farmers to upgrade their production level from the preliminary to the sixth, to expand marketing channels, to reduce unbalance risk of production and selling, to increase incomes, and to rise agricultural competition as well.
