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篇名 大專校院面對新型冠狀病毒危機管理與因應策略
卷期 313
並列篇名 Crisis Management and Response Strategies to Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Colleges and Universities
作者 吳政達張攸萍林宛萱
頁次 004-018
關鍵字 危機管理因應策略新型冠狀病毒crisis managementresponse strategiesCoronavirus Disease
出刊日期 202005
DOI 10.3966/168063602020050313001




A number of cases of viral pneumonia have been reported in Wuhan of Hubei province in China since December 2019. 185 countries and regions have reported more than 2.9 million confirmed cases so far. How to prevent the further development of the epidemic and find an effective treatment plan is an important issue to be solved urgently. The openness and clustering characteristics of colleges and universities deepen the urgency and significance of handling the crisis. However, the key to campus crisis management is to prevent, control and establish an efficient crisis emergency mechanism. From epidemic prevention and preparation on campus, immediate treatment of suspected cases, all the way to campus rehabilitation and reconstruction, implement the vertical and horizontal integration of various resources, two way information flows in both directions and works together, so as to build a perfect crisis management cooperation system, in order to improve the response capacity of each school in the face of novel coronavirus crisis. Faced with the novel coronavirus crisis, the management of the school must effectively deal with the crisis through an effective crisis management process to minimize the damage to the school. The article explores the history of campus crisis management, and then discusses the strategies of campus crisis management based on the cases of colleges and universities.
