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篇名 初任教師工作困擾、教學效能與專業表現之研究
卷期 65:2
並列篇名 Beginning Teachers’ Job Problems, Teaching Effectiveness, and Professional Performance
作者 羅寶鳳陳麒
頁次 037-071
關鍵字 工作困擾初任教師專業表現教學效能job problemsbeginning teachersprofessional performanceteaching effectivenessTSSCI
出刊日期 202006
DOI 10.6209/JORIES.202006_65(2).0002




This study explored the current job-related problems faced by beginning teachers, their teaching effectiveness, and professional performance in Taiwan. Additionally, it analyzes the difference between teachers at different teaching stages and in different teaching areas. This study used the Ministry of Education’s database of 104 school year beginning teacher survey. The sample population included 1,621 Taiwanese beginning teachers. The major results present the following: First, the main challenges faced by beginning teachers in teaching are the differentiation of student levels and how to facilitate student learning. Second, beginning teachers in different education stages and teaching areas show significant differences in terms of job problems, teaching effectiveness, and professional performance. Third, the job problems and teaching effectiveness of beginning teachers can predict their professional performance.
