
特殊教育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 家長與教師對國小普通班一年級聽覺損傷學生入學準備能力看法之研究
卷期 51
並列篇名 Parents and Teachers’ Perspectives on School Readiness of the First-Graders Who Were Deaf-and-Hard of Hearing in General Education Classrooms
作者 陳怡慧
頁次 001-030
關鍵字 入學準備能力聽覺損傷聽覺障礙重要性──表現值分析deaf-and-hard of hearingschool readinessIPATSSCI
出刊日期 202006
DOI 10.3966/207455832020060051001




The current study aimed to explore the perspectives of parents and teachers regarding school readiness of the first-grade students who were deaf-and-hard of hearing educated in the general education classrooms in Taiwan. There were 124 parents, 120 classroom teachers, and 113 special education teachers recruited in the study. A self-developed questionnaire with two sub-scales was used for data collection. The instrument covered eight domains: Adaptation in classroom, academic skills, social-emotion, oral communication, requesting and narrating skills, self-care, group adaptation, and motor. The results indicated that all the participants regarded all the domains as “important” school readiness skills. In terms of the performance level, all the participants unanimously rated the domains of adaptation in classroom, academic skills, self-care, group adaptation, and motor as between “mostly” and “fully” possessed levels, and regarded the domain of social-emotion as between “somewhat” and “mostly” possessed levels. In both whole sub-scales the scores measured by the parents were significantly higher than those measured by the special education teachers. Moreover, there were significant differences in the measurement of performance level between special education teachers with different demographic variables. Finally, the results of importance-performance analysis (IPA) demonstrated that the domains of self-care and group adaptation were in accordance with the expectation of all participants, and the domain of social emotion was below the expectation of all participants.
