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篇名 揭露內部控制缺失之效益:臺灣銀行業之實證
卷期 30:2
並列篇名 The Benefits of Disclosing Internal Control Weaknesses: Evidence from Taiwanese Banks
作者 郭俐君廖懿屏
頁次 175-210
關鍵字 內部控制缺失Ohlson模型銀行業internal control weaknessOhlson modelbanksScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 202008
DOI 10.6226/NTUMR.202008_30(2).0005




This study uses financial data from banks in Taiwan from 2001 to 2014 to examine the benefits of reporting internal control weaknesses (ICWs). The study argues that reporting non-zero ICWs reveals the high effort undertaken by a firm in assessing its internal control effectiveness and that such effort may be positively valued by the market. The results indicate a strong positive correlation between disclosing non-zero ICWs and market value of equity after controlling endogeneity problems. The results are robust with respect to the additional tests, which include adding other proxies for internal audit quality and considering the effect of mergers and acquisitions. This study is innovative in documenting evidence of the benefits of disclosing ICWs. It contributes to research in this field by supporting regulator’s disclosure requirements and encouraging managers to diligently report ICWs.
