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篇名 以音樂活動介入增進無口語雷特氏症學童溝通能力之成效
卷期 152
並列篇名 Enhancing the Ability of Communication for Students with Rett Syndrome with Music Activities
作者 吳美玲陳志軒
頁次 001-014
關鍵字 雷特氏症音樂活動溝通能力Rett Syndromemusic activitiescommunication ability
出刊日期 201909
DOI 10.6217/SEQ.201909_(152).1-14




Rett Syndrome is a rare and complex neurogenic disease, and has an influence on ones’ cognitive and healthy development negatively and severely, furthermore which primarily affects females. The intelligence and physical movements are deteriorated comprehensively and gradually since the onset at the period of infants and young children. Besides, poor communication ability is a barrier to their learning. The past studies showed that music activities could enhance the motivation of learning and communication. However, the effectiveness of instruction intervention on their communication was still unclear. The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of intervention with music activities on communication ability among the students with Rett Syndrome. The single design with A-B-A' was applied, and there were two female students with Rett Syndrome participated in this study. The intervention of the training was implemented for twice a week and maintained for 4 months. The communication response rate was recorded, and the qualitative data was collected from teachers and parents during the process. The results showed that the communication response was improved significantly and the effectiveness of the intervention was satisfied.
