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篇名 能協助分辨左右腳鞋裝置之研發
卷期 152
並列篇名 The Development of a Device That Differentiates Between the Left and Right Shoes
作者 黃義良
頁次 029-040
關鍵字 分辨左右腳智能障礙輔具differentiate between left and right footintellectual disabilitiesshoes, assistive device
出刊日期 201909
DOI 10.6217/SEQ.201909_(152).29-40




This research focuses on the development of the first shoe-based device that helps the user to differentiate between the left and right shoes. The device is made of identification device, optical and sound system as well as the shoe itself, targeting mainly the children and intellectual disabilities. The device is based on the principle that the big toe is generally longer than the small toe. A photointerrupter switch is placed at the position of the big toe and subsequent logical judgment can be performed by the device. When worn correctly, the internal identification device would be triggered and LED light along with music from the speaker would provide feedback for the user. When worn wrongly, a short alarm would be sounded. As a result, the user can rapidly learn to differentiate between the left and right shoes. The device achieved the goal of guiding while engaging the user. After testing, it was found that the device can reduce the number of times that a user wears the shoes wrongly by 74.5% with 0.01 significant level. Both the USB cable and wireless charging methods could be used for the product and, the shoe box for charging also helped to cultivate the good habit of returning the shoes to the original spot.
