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篇名 以日語為母語者的經驗談中來觀察填補詞的使用情況-從談話構造分析-
卷期 53
並列篇名 The Use of Fillers via Native Japanese-speaker’s Narrative-Analyze from Discourse Structure-
作者 川合理惠
頁次 001-029
關鍵字 填補詞經驗談談話構造種類功能fillersnarrative experiencediscourse structuretypefunctionフィラー体験談談話構造種類機能
出刊日期 202003


本研究的目的為將填補詞的使用情況明朗化。分析紀錄經驗談話內容,調查分別出現的填補詞的種類與出現次數。分析順序為談話的導入、開始、中間、結尾。接著分析出現次數多的填補詞的功能。結論四個部分共同出現次數最多的填補詞為「ナンカ」。導入、開始、中段為「アノ(ー)」出現次數最多。以功能面,各段落都能夠觀察到有特徵性的填補詞。談話開始為了開啟話題與新資訊的機能的「アノ(ー)」以外, 考量聽者以及傳遞講者的心情的「ナンカ」,表達講者情緒變化的「モー」等使都有用在談話中。中間為了清楚傳遞事情的核心,例如換句話說、補足說明時使用「アノ(ー)」或註釋的「マー」等詞,表示話語標記的「アノ(ー)」,連繫話題緊密度的「ソノ」等,都能夠看出影響談話構成的填補詞。此外,表示情緒的「ナンカ」「モー」的出現頻率也較高。結尾,也有使用「ナンカ」「モー」「ウン」來描述事情發生時的心情或感想,或是使用「マ(ー)」來表達意見並結束話題。


The aim of this study is to give light on the use of fillers. By analyzing narrative experience and find out the frequency of using fillers and its type. First, examining the type and frequency of using fillers in four different narrative sections which are introduction, opening, middle and closing. Next, analyzing the function of frequently used fillers in each section. The result is, nanka is the most used fillers in every section while ano in introduction, opening and middle of the narrative. In the function aspect, some featured fillers can be found in each section. In the opening section, using ano to mention new information, nanka is to considerate others feeling and to deliver speaker’s mood and moo is used when the speaker’s emotion changes. In the middle section, in order to convey story more clearly, ano is used when saying in other words or adding additional remarks, maa is to annotate, ano is used to make the discourse markers in narrative and sono is to show slight cohesion which all four fillers can affect the formation of the discourse. In addition, nanka and moo also show high frequency of using when showing emotion. In the closing section, nanka, moo and un are used to convey the mood and feeling when thing happened and use maa to express opinions.
