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篇名 臺北市109學年度準公共幼兒園教保服務品質輔導之行動研究
卷期 332
並列篇名 Action Research on Quality Counseling of Education and Insurance Service for Quasi-Public Kindergartens in Taipei 109 School Year
作者 陳湘羚吳青娟
頁次 029-045
關鍵字 準公共幼兒園教保服務品質輔導行動研究Quasi-public kindergartenEducation and Insurance Service QualityCoachingAction research
出刊日期 202111




This study adopts the method of action research, consultation, and service process of the visit and counseling program, after the private kindergarten in Taipei City's 109 school year joined the quasi-public education and health care service center. The researcher adopted a two-stage visit counseling plan: First, conduct the first stage-visit to the kindergarten. They went to the kindergarten with the counseling members respectively, and cooperated so as to understand the operation management and the day running of the school, and the situation of each kindergarten. A survey of the kindergarten was completed. 108 gardens; the continuation and the implementation of the second stage-to the kindergarten counseling, also invite the counseling committee to ented the kindergarten to assist in the establishment of a suitable education and protection service environment, and completed a total of 25 auxiliary gardens. This research focuses on initiative, friendliness and care as the core to establish a support system for the municipal area of Taipei; data collection first focuses on communication and professional dialogue between the two parties. The categories are divided into three major categories: garden administration, curriculum and teaching, environmental planning and facilities and equipment. For its 18 key projects, a complete review of the records such as counseling projects and suggestions will further help analyze and aggregate the data. Finally, based on the results of the research, comprehensive suggestions for improving the quality of education and insurance services in the gardens in the future were put forward.
