
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 The Status and Prospects of Radiopharmaceutical Research for Targeted Radiotherapy in Taiwan
卷期 15:4
並列篇名 臺灣放射治療用核醫藥物研發現況與展望
作者 王世楨丁幹
頁次 195-200
關鍵字 放射治療核醫藥物釔-90利比多錸-188利比多錸-188微粒錸-188-HEDP錸-188硫膠體RadiotherapyRadiopharmaceutical?Y-lipiodol□Re-lipiodol□Re-microsphere□Re-HEDP□Re-sulfur colloid
出刊日期 200212


     治療用核子醫學在過去十年間已快速發展成腫瘤治療的方法,許多能特異性追蹤腫瘤的核醫藥物被上市用於癌症放射治療。由於國外輸入不易及價格昂貴,大部份治療用核醫藥物未能臨床用於臺灣病患,有鑑於此,核能研究所近年來致力於發展治療用核醫藥物,並已有部份成果。釔-90、錸-188標幟利比多 (Lipiodol)以及錸-188微粒的研製可應用於肝癌治療;錸-188-HEDP之研發可應用於惡性腫瘤轉移產生的骨痛治療;錸-188硫膠體之研發可應用於惡性腫瘤腹水治療。這些治療用核醫藥物正進行臨床前研究,後續臨床研究即將展開。


     Therapeutic nuclear medicine has grown rapidly as a treatment modality in oncology in last decade. A varietyof specific tumor-seeking radiopharmaceuticals have been commercialized for radiotherapy. However, most of these therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals are not applied to patients clinically in Taiwan because of difficulty in importing these drugs from other countries and their high expense. Therefore, the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER) in Taiwan has been putting their efforts on developing these therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals and several kinds of therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals have been developed successfully in the past few years. 90Y-lipiodol, 188Re-lipiodol and 188Re-microsphere are developed for the therapy of hepatoma, I88Re-HEDP for metastatic bone pain and 188Re-sulfur colloid for malignant ascites. Pre-clinical studies of these radiopharmaceuticals are being carried out and clinical trials will be conducted soon.
