
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 Gallium-67 Scan in Granulocytic Sarcoma (Chloroma)
卷期 14:2
並列篇名 應用鎵-67掃描於顆粒性肉瘤之評估
作者 游冬齡劉美瑾蔡玉真曹美華
頁次 125-128
關鍵字 顆粒性肉瘤鎵-67掃描Granulocytic sarcomaGallium-67 scan
出刊日期 200106




     Granulocytic sarcoma is an extramedullary tumor of myeloproliferative precursors and may involve multiple sites of body. The role of gallium scan in patients with granulocytic sarcoma is uncertain. This article demonstrates the findings of gallium-67 scan on a case with granulocytic sarcoma that was proved by histopathology and immunohistology. The gallium-67 scan revealed multiple focal areas with intensively abnormal uptake of gallium-67 in the ethmoid, right nasal, right maxillary, bilateral neck, bilateral chest, mediastinal, abdominal, pelvic and bilateral renal regions. The gallium-67 scan indicated the disease was widespread and suggested poor prognosis of the patient. This article delineates granulocytic sarcoma has high affinity for gallium-67 and suggests gallium-67 scan has the role for the whole body evaluation of the extension of granulocytic sarcoma.

