
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 Autonomously Functioning Thyroid Nodule with Rare Benign Pathologic Finding-Nodular Goiter on [fef3]I Thyroid Scintigraphy and Literature Reviews--A Case Report
卷期 13:2
並列篇名 碘-131甲狀腺掃描中自主毒性甲狀腺結節為少見良性結節甲狀腺腫--病例報告及文獻回顧
作者 陳毓雯蕭璧蓉陳漢文蔡坤寶劉金昌
頁次 129-133
關鍵字 碘-131甲狀腺掃描自主毒性甲狀腺結節活化性親甲狀腺素受體突變[fef3]I thyroid scintigraphyAutonomously functioning thyroid noduleActivating somatic thyrotropin receptor mutation
出刊日期 200006




     We report a 34-year-old female with left neck mass. A well-defined mixed iso-hypoechoic solid thyroid nodule in the middle-low portion of left lobe of thyroid was diagnosed by real-time ultrasonography. Thyroid function test showed a pattern of subclinical hyperthyroidism. Follicular neoplasm was suspicious by fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). To further clarify the nature of the lesions, patient received the 131I scintigraphy which showed a solitary autonomously functioning thyroid nodule. The rest of the thyroid tissue was suppressed. The pathological finding revealed a rare pattern of benign nodular goiter. 131I thyroid scintigraphy remains as a useful procedure for differential diagnosis when fine needle aspiration cytology is indeterminate for malignancy. The possible mechanisms of nodular goiter with solitary autonomously functioning thyroid nodule seen on 131I thyroid scintigraphy will be discussed with literature reviews.
