
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 利用鎝-99m-sulfur Colloid評估接受腹膜透析病人之急性胸膜腔積水
卷期 13:2
並列篇名 Hydrothorax in Patients Receiving Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Demonstrated by [fee6]Tc-Sulfur Colloid
作者 張祐銓陳國書閻紫宸高潘福蔡名峰曾凱元
頁次 81-85
關鍵字 連續可活動性腹膜透析胸膜腔積水鎝 99m sulfur colloid腹胸膜閃爍造影術Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysisCAPDHydrothorax[fee6]Tc sulfur colloidPeritoneopleural scintigraphy
出刊日期 200006


前言:急性胸膜胸積水(hydrothorax)對連續可活動性腹膜透析病人是一種不常見的併發症。本文利用核醫之腹胸膜閃爍造影術,成功診斷出7例因透析造成腹胸膜交通(peritoneopleural communication, PCC)引起之胸膜腔積水病例。
方法:本回顧性研究收集從1994年11月至1999年7月止,在林口及基隆長庚紀念醫院共有7位腎病末期病人在接受腹膜透析期間疑似透析造成腹胸膜交通而引起胸膜腔積水。腹胸膜閃爍造影術是利用6mCi(222MBq)鎝-99m-sulfur colloid經由腹膜透析管(Tenckhoff catheter)注入腹腔內,注射後5分鐘、15分鐘、30分鐘、45分鐘、1小時及2小時在病人胸部及上腹部進行前位造影。


Background: Acute hydrothorax is an uncommon but well-known complication of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). In this study, Tc-sulfur colloid (SC) peritoneopleural scintigraphy was successfully used to identify 7 uremic patients who had peritoneopleural communication (PPC) induced hydrothorax while receiving CAPD. Methods: From Nov. 1994 to Aug. 1999, 7 end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients developing acute hydrothorax while receiving CAPD were enrolled in this retrospective study. 6mCi (222 MBq) of Tc-SC was administrated intraperitoneal (i.p.) through the Tenckhoff catheter. Anterior abdominal and chest planar images were performed at 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 45 min, 1 hr, 1.5 hrs, and 2 hrs after i.p. injection.
Results: One from these 7 cases was proved to be a victim of PPC at 5 min after i.p. injection, 4 at 30 min, 1 at 45 min, and 1 at 50 min were proved to have PPC after injection, rejection, respectively. The PPC was located on the right side in 6 patients and on the left side in only one patient. Hydrothorax resolved in all patients following temporarily discontinuing CAPD or switching to hemodialysis.
Conclusions: Our study showed that this scintigraphy can easily demonstrate PPC within only 1 hr after i.p. injection. We thus suggest that peritoneopleural scintigraphy is a simple, non-invasive and safe modality for demonstrating trans-diaphragmatic fluid leakage in peritoneal dialysis patients, especially for those with DM or other possible chronic pleural effusion.
