
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 比較平面造影與斷層掃描兩種技術用於偵測急性心肌梗塞的差異--先期研究
卷期 12:2
並列篇名 A Comparison of Planar vs. SPECT Technique in the Detection of Acute Myocardial Infarction--A Preliminary Report
作者 林昆儒閻紫宸高潘福蔡名峰
頁次 61-67
關鍵字 平面造影斷層造影鎝 99m標幟焦磷酸鹽心臟造影PlanarSPECT[fee6]Tc PYP cardiac imaging
出刊日期 199906


方法:我們評估了八位急性冠狀動脈症侯群(acute coro-nary artery svndrome)的病人。所有病人在胸痛後2±0.8天施行平面和單光子射出電腦斷層(斷層)鎝-99m標幟之焦磷酸鹽心臟造影(心臟造影),並分別記錄掃描所耗費時間,並在心臟造影後2±1.9天內接受冠牧動脈攝影。
核醫造影抹垂直雙偵測頭閃爍攝影機追行,造影結果區分為平面及斷層二組,分別交付三位閱片醫師判讀,其刊讀結果以至少兩位醫師相同為準。核醫造影判讀標準如下:平面造影皆源自 Polincr LK等人(Circulnlion1979:59:257-267)所定,將攝取之強度區分為0至4+等級:而斷層造影則以其正常胸椎之最高點素為標準來調整色階並將其區分為0至4+等級,平面及斷層造影之判讀皆以等於或大於2+為異常,並依異常攝取的區域定出相關心肌梗塞的位置。
結果:不論就診斷急性心肌梗塞之敏感度或病灶偵測能力,斷層造影與臨床最終診斷和冠狀動昧攝影所示之挾窄動睬的相關平面均較平面造影為佳(P<0.05),而平均檢查托費時間亦僅較平面造影多出4.5分鐘(10 vs.5.5±0.4分鐘)。


Backgrounds: The purpose of this preliminary study was to compare planar and single photon emission computed t0mography (SPECT) techniques to detect acute myocardial infarction (AMI) using newly developed gamma camera.
Material and Methods: Our study included 8 acute coronary artery syndrome patients with clinical suspicion of AMI. All patients had both planar and SPECT 99mTc-PYP cardiac scintigraphies using vertical dual head gamma camera. Each set of images was interpreted in random order by three experienced and "blinded" observers who had no knowledge of relevant clinical or laboratory data. At least two positive readings of each imaging set from the three observers was considered as positive. All planar image sets were graded on a scale of 0 to 4+ modified from Poliner LR et al. (Circulation 1979;59:257-267). The color scales of all SPECT images were re-normalized base on the peak voxel value of a normal thoracic spine and graded on a scale of 0 to 4+. Each grade of 2+ or greater was considered as positive in both planar and SPECT imaging. The relative portion of the total left ventricular myocardium involved was evaluated subjectively and compared to the territory related to the infarct coronary artery obtained by coronary angiography in both planar and SPECT studies.
Results: The final diagnosis and the territory related to the infarct coronary artery had better correlation with the SPECT imaging than with the planar imaging (P<0.05). The additional scanning time for SPECT imaging was less than 5 minutes as compared with that for the planar imaging when using vertical dual head gamma camera (10 vs. 5.5±0.4 minutes). Conclusion: Due to better correlation in both sensitivity and lesion detection for AMI in SPECT imaging than in planar imaging and worldwide population use of SPECT technique, we thus suggest 99mTc-PYP SPECT imaging instead of 99mTc-PYP planar imaging to detect patients who had clinically suspicious AMI.
