
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 臺灣南部某放射免疫分析科建立品質與技術管理系統的過程與效益
卷期 21:2
並列篇名 Establishment of A Quality and Technical Management System at A Radioimmunoassay Laboratory in Southern Taiwan
作者 李碧芳邱南津姚維仁林炳文
頁次 99-107
關鍵字 醫學實驗室認證品質管理放射免疫分析Medical laboratory accreditationQuality controlRIA
出刊日期 200806


本文將台灣南部某放射免疫分析科建立品質與技術管理系統的過程、效益與經驗提供給大家分享與參考,並藉由『ISO 15189醫學實驗室-品質與能力特定要求』規範,逐步建立起與醫療品質相關的品質與技術管理系統。透過「計畫、執行、檢核、行動」(PDCA)的方法,讓技術人員熟悉實驗室運作的品質系統。此品質與技術管理系統的目的乃是促進醫療服務品質,獲得良好成本效益的結果,且提供最好的病人照護。


This article describes the process of building and implementing a quality and technical management system (QTMS) at a RIA laboratory in southern Taiwan. This was done to fulfill the requirements of the ISO 15189 Medical Laboratory Accreditation program. During the process, we created new procedure manuals and documents through the use of Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA). The laboratory staffs should be familiar with all of the QTMS documents. The aims of our QTMS are to promote our medical service quality, to achieve a good cost-effectiveness outcome, and to provide the best patient care.
