
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 Concomitant False-Positive and False-Negative Iodine-131 Scintigraphy Secondary to Bronchiectasis and Cervical Lymph Node Metastasis in A Patient with Thyroid Cancer: The Usefulness of FDG-PET/CT
卷期 20:4
並列篇名 一位甲狀腺癌病患因支氣管擴張症與頸部淋巴轉移而在碘-131-掃描上同時呈現了假陽性與假陰性結果:葡萄糖正子電腦斷層掃描的效用
作者 蔡東華蕭信昌杜思德洪光威楊光道
頁次 217-221
關鍵字 131I scanFalse-positiveBronchiectasisFalse-negativePET/CT碘-131掃描?陽性支氣管擴張?陰性正子電腦斷層掃描
出刊日期 200712




Iodine-131 whole body scan (131I WBS) is highly specific, but only moderately sensitive for detecting recurrence or metastasis of well-differentiated thyroid cancer. FDG-PET is considered as the method of choice for those with elevated serum thyroglobulin but negative 131I WBS. Here, we presented a case of papillary thyroid cancer with elevated thyroglobulin. The 131I WBS showed a false-positive pulmonary uptake due to bronchiectasis, but was false-negative for a cervical lymph node metastasis. The FDG-PET/CT correctly detected the lymph node metastasis and showed no false-positive FDG uptake in the pulmonary lesion of bronchiectasis.
