
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 放射免疫分析室參與認證之品質分析
卷期 20:4
並列篇名 Assessment of Quality Parameters in A Radioimmunometric Assay Laboratory
作者 廖建國田惠蘭邱建勳莊紫翎王昱豐
頁次 209-215
關鍵字 品質指標放射免疫分析實驗室認證Quality parameterRadioimmunometric assayAccreditation
出刊日期 200712




Background: We used quality parameter monitoring to process some management strategies in order to achieve the continuous quality improvement for our laboratory. For evaluating the degree of our efforts, quality parameters were assessed. The purposes of this study are to explore the changing of the quality parameters within the study period. In addition, the benefits of the laboratory quality improvement were also discussed. Methods: Quality parameters were collected and divided into first (2006/6-2006/9), second (2006/10-2007/1), and third (2007/2-2007/5) three different periods, prospectively. There were total eight items, including staff ability failure rates, sample rejection rates, internal control failure rates, proficiency test failure rates, report delay rates, report correction rates, warning value notice rates and custom complain rates. Chi-square test using MedCal was performed to compare the measurements of each stage. We also examined the causes of the abnormalities and considered the methods of correction. Results: The results showed that the quality of our laboratory was improved after the process of accreditation participation. All quality parameters of second and third stages were better than the first stage, especially in sample rejection rates, internal control failure rates, report delay rates, report correction rates, warning value notice rates and custom complain rates (P<0.05). Importantly, at the third stage, all quality parameters reached the ideal targets. Conclusions: Laboratory accreditation is a fundamental method for quality assurance. However, continuous quality improvement should be the major motive power for the laboratory. Practically, regular quality parameters monitoring, abnormal events evaluating, results of the improvement tracking can be effectively promote the laboratory's whole qualities and marked up the accuracy of the reports. Our assessment of the quality parameters in the radioimmuno-metric assay laboratory showed that the efficiency of establishing quality management system was obvious and rapid, and it should be performed continuously.
