
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 Subsequent Bone Scans in The Demonstration of Resolution of Multiple Tuberculous Osteomyelitis: A Case Report
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 系列的骨骼造影顯示多發性結核骨髓炎的緩解
作者 蔡雅琴蕭聿謙
頁次 43-46
關鍵字 99mTc-MDP bone scintigraphyNon-tuberculosis mycobacteriaTuberculous osteomyelitis鎝-99m-MDP骨骼掃描非結核分枝桿菌結核骨髓炎
出刊日期 200703




A 45-year-old female with a history of tuberculous lymphadenitis received shoulder and sternal mass biopsy. Microbiological analysis demonstrated non-tuberculosis mycobacteria. The whole body bone scan revealed multiple bone involvement. After a 5-month treatment, clinical parameters showed improvement and a subsequent bone scan showed consistent resolution of the previously noted bone lesions. In conclusion, bone scan is a good tool for tuberculous osteomyelitis for defining disease extent, choosing sites for microbiological biopsy analysis and monitoring treatment response.
