
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 奇異Hawkeye 4整合SPET/CT掃描儀之臨床使用經驗
卷期 21:3
並列篇名 Clinical Experience of GE Hawkeye 4 Integrated SPET/CT Scanner
作者 吳志毅李佳鴻周育祥
頁次 151-163
關鍵字 整合式單光子斷層電腦斷層儀電腦斷層衰減校正移動假影射束硬化效應Integrated SPETIntegrated CTComputed tomography attenuation correctionMotion artifactBeam hardening effect
出刊日期 200809


背景:使用整合式單光子斷層電腦斷層儀SPET/CT可進行衰減校正及影像融合,以提供較佳的病灶定位。?瞭解整合式單光子斷層電腦斷層儀在核醫臨床使用上的特性與限制,我們於2007年底著手進行此項回期性研究。方法:本院自2007年1月起使用GE Hawkeye 4 SPET/CT造影系統於臨床服務。統計2007年當年共計進行SPET/CT造影804例,主要應用CT在輔助進行衰減校正或病灶定位。本研究針對此804例統計分析其種類及數量。結果:2007年804例SPET/CT造影中,602例心肌血流灌注斷層攝影進行衰減校正,共202例病例進行影像融合,其中鎝-99m-MDP局部SPET/CT發生「影像上明顯可見的移動假影」的比例?3.13%(2/64),鎵-67局部SPET/CT發生移動假影的比釗則?24%(6/25),因射束硬化效應所造成的條狀假影有產生干擾融合影像判讀的情形,其他問題包括SPET/CT之CT低管球電壓及低轉速之機器特性、受檢者的安全、較長的造影時間、對位錯誤及輻射防護箏。結論:SPET/CT提供各種核醫檢查不同的放射性同位素於身體中吸收部位的準確解剖定位。但SPET/CT之CT部份特殊設計會產生移動假影、對位異常(alignment mismatch)、病患碰撞或是各種維生或生理訊號儀器管線纏繞的問題。


Background: With the use of the integrated single photon emission tomography/computer tomography (SPET/CT), it can provide attenuation correction and imaging fusion for better localization of lesions. To understand the characteristics and limitation of integrated SPET/CT, we began this respective study since the end of 2007. Methods: From January 2007, we started to use integrating GE Infinia Hawkeye 4 SPET/CT scanner for clinical service. In 2007, we performed 804 SPET/CT services in many aspects. Integrating CT was used for CT attenuation correction or morphological image fusion. We gathered statistic information on the examination types and amounts on SPET/CT scanner. Results: In 2007, we provided 602 SPET/CT services in myocardial perfusion scan for attenuation correction and 202 SPET/CT services in other scans for image fusion. Among 64 regional bone SPET/CT services, we noted 2 (3.13%) significant motion artifacts and 2 (3.13%) streak artifacts induced by beam hardening effect while among 25 Ga-67 local SPET/CT services. According to the features including low tube currents and slow rotating speed of this SPET/CT, some problems such as the patient safety, longer scan time, alignment mismatch and radiation protection would be analyzed and discussed. Conclusion: Because of the special design of SPET/CT, it may cause motion artifacts, alignment mismatch, patient collision, and wires knotting of other machine. However, SPET/CT actually provided more accurate anatomical localization of the uptake of different radiotracers used in various clinical settings.
