
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 Molecular Targets for Cancer Imaging and Therapy Applications
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 鎝-99m標幟放射性藥物於腫瘤特異導向診斷之應用
作者 Yang, David-J.Yu, Dong-fangFereshteh, ZareneyriziAli, AzhdariniaSeyfettin, IlganKim, Chang-guhnSuwaidi, Jamila AlSaad, ZakkoKim, Edmund-E.
頁次 19-36
關鍵字 molecular imagingtherapeuticoncology99mTc-labeled radiopharmaceuticals分子進影治療腫瘤學鎝-99m標幟核醫藥物
出刊日期 200003




Improvement of scintigraphic tumor imaging is extensively determined by development of more tumor specific radiopharmaceuticals. Radionuclide imaging modalities (positron emission tomography, PET; single photon emission computed tomography, SPECT) are diagnostic cross-sectional imaging techniques that map the location and concentration of radionuclide-Iabeled radiotracers. Although CT and MRI provide considerable anatomic information about the location and the extent of tumors, these imaging modalities cannot adequately differentiate invasive lesions from edema, radiation necrosis or grading. PET and SPECT can be used to localize and characte'rize tumors by measuring metabolic activity. Due to favorable physical characteristics and low price, 99mTc radionuclide has been the choice for labeling. To improve the diagnosis, prognosis, planning and monitoring of treatment of cancer using functional pharmaceuticals, we have developed a series of 的mTc-labeledradiotracers. Application of molecular targets for cancer imaging and therapy are the major focus of this report.
