
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 Temporal Evolution of the Intensity of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Children: Correlation of A Semi-Quantitative Analysis of Bowel Uptake in White Blood Cells Scintigraphy with Biological Parameters
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 兒童發炎性腸道疾病的瞬時病情演變:以標幟白血球造影半定量分析腸攝取與生物學參數之相關性
作者 Alberini, Jean-louisCharron, MartinMarkowitz, JonathanAllmen, Dan-vonHurh, Peter
頁次 1-7
關鍵字 inflammatory bowel diseasebiological parameterssemi-quantitative indexwhite blood cells scintigraphy發炎性腸道疾病生物學參數半定量指標標幟白血球造影
出刊日期 200303
