
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 Relationship between Thallium-20l SPECT Mammoscintigraphic Findings and Ki-67 or P-Glycoprotein Expression in Breast Cancers: A Preliminary Report
卷期 15:2
並列篇名 鉈-201單光子斷層乳房閃爍造影發現與,Ki-67及P-醣蛋白表現在乳癌上的相關性:初報
作者 蔡世傳高嘉鴻
頁次 65-70
關鍵字 201TIP-glycoprotein Ki-67immunohistochemical analysis mammoscintigraphySPECT鉈-201免疫組織化學分析乳房閃爍造影P-醣蛋白
出刊日期 200206



方法:進行手術或切片之前,24位乳癌病患接受了鉈-201單光子斷層乳房閃爍造影並計算其腫瘤 背景比值,並利用免疫組織化學分析測定其Ki-67及p-醣蛋白之表現。

結果:11位具有Ki-67表現乳癌病患,其腫瘤背景比值明顯高於13位無Ki-67表現者(4.26± 0.41對2.25 ± o.刃,p <0.05) ,然而8位具有p-醣蛋白表現及16位無p-醣蛋白表現,其腫瘤背景比值則無明顯差異(3.52± 0.40對3.42 ± 0.45 ' P >0.05)。



Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) mammoscintigraphic findings of thaliium-201 (TI)with the expression of Ki-67 and P-glycoprotein (Pgp) in breast cancers

Methods: Twenty-four patients diagnosed with infiltrating ductal breast cancer underwent 201TI SPECT mammoscintigraphy before surgery or biopsy to calculate tumor to background (T/B) ratios. Ki-67 and Pgp expressions were measured by immunohistochemical analyses on multiple nonconsecutive sections from surgery or biopsy specimens of breast cancers. Results: The T/B ratios were significantly lower for tumors in 11 patients with positive Ki-67 expression than for those in 13 patients with negative expression (4.26 ± 0.41 vs. 2.25 ± 0.33, P < 0.05). However, differences in T/B ratios of 8 patients with positive Pgp expression (3.52 ± 0.40) and 16 patients with negative Pgp expression (3.42 ± 0.45) were insignificant in this study (P>0.05).

Conclusions: Our results suggest that T/B ratios calculated from叫TI SPECT mammoscintigrapy are useful for predicting the presence of Ki-67 expression in breast cancers
