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篇名 蝴蝶蘭屬原種之花梗芽在NDM培養基中培養之表現
卷期 51:4
並列篇名 Characteristics of Flower Stalk Bud of Phalaenopsis Species Proliferated on NDM Medium
作者 漥田浩一米田和夫雨宮圭一藤木俊也
頁次 377-379
關鍵字 花梗芽培養SpeciesProliferationPhalaenopsisFlower stalk bud cultureNDM蝴蝶蘭屬營養系增生
出刊日期 200512


以蝴蝶蘭属原種15種之21品種作為材料,在添加NAA0.1mg/L,BA1mg/L,蔗糖10g/L,pH5.4的NDM培養基中,進行花梗芽培養。6原種,12品種中,有25-83%的培植體形成PLB,以Phal. equestris ‘Hanajima’的PLB形成率較高。另外,迄今為止關於花梗芽的培養尚無研究報告的種群,如Phal. fasciata形成了25%的PLB,除此以外,Phal. fasciata (‘JS#1’בDr. Kou’),Phal. incriptogenesis,Phal. lamelegera,Phal. Leuddemannianna var. purpurea,Phal. mannii和Phal. schilleriana等6種則完全沒有形成PLB。


 Clonal method using PLB was establishied by flower stalk bud culture in Phalaenopsis species. Flower stalk buds were cultured on New Dogashima Medium (NDM) supplemented with NAA and BA. Those buds were incubated at 25℃ under 4,000 lux. After 2 month, 25 to 83% of the cultured buds produced PLB in 12 of 21 cultivars. As the result, it seemed that flower stalk bud culture was an effective method for PLB formation in some cultivars.
