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篇名 設計以倒傳遞類神經技術為基礎之車輛油耗預估系統
卷期 7
並列篇名 Design of a Predict system for Car Fuel Consumption Using Back-propagation Neural Network
作者 吳建達劉俊慶
頁次 69-82
關鍵字 燃油消耗人工類神經網路倒傳遞類神經演算法Fuel consumptionArtificial neural networkBack-propagation algorithm
出刊日期 201004




A predict system for car fuel consumption using back-propagation neural network is design in this paper. The proposed system is constituted of three parts: fuel consumption information acquisition, fuel consumption
forecasting algorithm and performance evaluation. Although there are many factors will effect the fuel consumption of a car in a practice drive procedure, however, in the present system the impact factors for fuel consumption are simply decided as mark of car, engine style, weight of car, vehicle type and transmission system type which are used as input information for the neural network training and fuel consumption forecasting procedure. In the fuel consumption forecasting, to verify the effect of the proposed predict system, an artificial neural network with back-propagation neural network is possession of learning capability for car fuel consumption prediction. The prediction results demonstrated that the proposed system using neural network is effective and the performance is satisfactory in fuel consumption prediction.
