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篇名 鋰電池模型的實驗規劃建構與驗證
卷期 4
並列篇名 Experimental Set-up and Verification for the Li-ion Battery Model
作者 張舜長蔡耀文翁大益
頁次 67-80
關鍵字 鋰電池模型ADVISORLabVIEWLi-ion battery model
出刊日期 200705




The main purpose of this study is to identify and verify the Li-ion battery model. The RC model for the Li-ion battery that was built in the vehicle simulation software 'ADVISOR' is introduced in this paper. To obtain these parameters of Li-ion battery model, the battery charging and discharging procedures are needed. The LabVIEW software is used to obtain some experimental data that includes battery voltages, currents, and temperatures. Through a series of experiments, the parameters of Li-ion battery model can be obtained. Finally, we find that the errors between the simulation results of this model and the real Li-ion battery (8.4Ah) are very small.
