
臺大佛學研究 THCI

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篇名 從絕對無到空的哲學--從京都學派內部思想談西谷啟治《宗教是什麼》的成立脈絡與立場
卷期 19
並列篇名 From Absolute Nothingness to the Philosophy of Śūnyatā: Exploring the Context and Standpoint of Nishitani Keiji's Religion and Nothingness from Kyoto School's Persective
作者 陳一標吳翠華
頁次 129-183
關鍵字 西谷啟治西田幾多郎田邊元虛無主義Nishitani KeijiNishita KitaroWatanabe HajimeNihilismNotheingnessTHCI
出刊日期 201006


西谷啟治在 1961 年所出版的《宗教是什麼》,被譽為戰後日本京都學派最高的代表作,主要面對的是虛無主義、近代自然科學的世界觀以及基督宗教的人格神等問題,企圖以佛教空的哲學


Nishitani Keiji’s great work Religion and Nothingness, published in
1961, is to be praised as the most important representative work of the
Kyoto School after World War II. Facing the problems about the
nihilism of western philosophy, the world view of modern natural
science and the personal God of Christianity, Nishitani tries to resolve
the cleavage and contradiction among man, nature and God, rising in
the modern civilization, to overcome modernity from his philosophy
of fundamental subjectivity.
On the line of development of Kyoto School, Nishitani inherits
Nishida Kitaro’s philosophy of absolute nothingness and Watanabe
Hajime’s philosophy of logic of species and presents his philosophy of
Śūnyatā further. Nishida starts his thinking from the direct and vertical
relation between self and the transcendental dimension and directly discloses the place of absolute nothingness. Whereas Watanabe takes society, nation, original sin and confession, which belong to the area of the secular knowledge and don’t touch the transcendental.
